Photography by: Jason Stephens Situated amongst acres of citrus trees far...
A Colorful Abode
The Platings’ eclectic 1950s home is filled with remnants that reflect their...
“Letters” | Comments from Lakelanders
Have you ever noticed the "Letters Page" in The Lakelander? We've created this...
Florida’s Growing Tradition
Photography by Drew Blaser As the only horticultural science program in the...
At Home in the Wild
Photography by Jason Stephens At a young age, Cody O’Gorman was surrounded by...
The Business of Bees
Local beekeepers combine conservation with business ou...
Picnic by the Lake
Photography by Naomi Lynn Vacaro Styled by Daniel Barceló Pack your baskets,...
An Open Space
As our city grows, our connection to the outdoors is more important than ever....
Out of Office
Photography by Dan Austin Styled by Sally Ibarra Barceló, Daniel Barceló, and...